Brave 🎡

She ran through the forest like a mermaid that just popped legs

Her heart pounded, she was a bright dark knight in a dream fight, she never begged

She kept her head held high

Always gazed upon the stars, flied high with the stars as her guide, she took the SKY! 🌌

Oh yeah, oh yeah, she flew high, she took the sky y y YYY

When she got to the beach, she dove into the dark cold water without fear

She knew the end of the dream was near

She woke up, awake she grabbed her double edged sword, dressed as a ninja with a pointed metal star

She rose out of the water into the sky, threw her sword and star far

She took out her opponent in the scariest fight

Oh yeah, because she’s a dark knight without fear

Even when the end is near, end is near, end is nearrr

She sang to her hero in the sky

Asking why oh why?!?

Oh why, Hero in the sky, why oh oh why???

Upon awaking, she plopped up in her studio apartment, brave and weak

She bent down on her knees, started to speak

Oh my, what has come of my heavenly dreams?

Nothing is ever as it seems

In the day I’ll be strong, I’ll stand tall, I won’t ever fall

Because these frieghts, I know them all

Oh, Oh my, know them all… don’t let me fall, carry me through the storm, and help my shoulders back through it ALLL!!!

What what do I say?

She got up and danced the blues away

She danced like a ballerina who grew wings, she spun around and round until her coffee brewed

Even though she felt blue

Her feet were bare

She had wild messy hair

But she rose

And that’s what mattered that she fought through the fire of what could have been demise

Like the losers on the street begging for coins and money

She didn’t skip a beat, she got her cup, and plopped in some sugar and honey

Yeah some sugar, sweet sugar and honey! 🍯

She was brave

On her feet she stayed

She was a knight in the sky

She looked in the mirror and said, today I’m living on high

Then she faked a smile

And down the New York City stairs her feet dialed

Off to work, she hailed a cab like a boss

Yeah, she fought every day at every cost

At every cost, no matter the cost, she acted like a boss!

Cause she was brave

On the way to work, she almost caved

A tear almost came

But she stayed tough, she knew his name

In herself she trusted

Strength she knew

Cause when she was blue

She went to be strong with all anew

Cause pain was all she knew

Pain was all she knew

Even when she was blue

Oh and she got blue

After work, she had jack on the rocks

Chatted about being a big boss

And she fought like a Queen, even when the queen got shot down, she stayed floss

No matter what the cost

And there were many costs

Oh brave she stayed brave oh brave oh oh

BRAVE!!! Brave brave brave with pain

